
330 Art Reviews

213 w/ Responses

That looks awesome. i love grafity falls and that looks so good. and thanks for telling me what you used. i am a cosplayer as well so mabey that will help me in the future ^^ anyway i would love to see some of your cosplays on here. anyway awesome job keep it up.

Kikis-Art-Journey responds:

thank you so much. and you are welcome i find it annoying when people create things and dont say what they used, so I try to remember to say.

thanks for reminding me I had planned to post my rogue here but got distracted. I'll get it up soon. thanks again

i haven't seen alot of art like this in a while but i like it alot. the shading is awesome and the clothes are so well done. awesome job keep it up ^^

PaulsArtandanimation responds:

Thank you so much :)

I really like the drawing and the face and hair are beautiful only tiny thing is i think she is a bit
to skinny for my taste what makes the drawing less attractive but it's still really well done don't get me wrong. i am really looking forward to your next disney drawing.

(btw i would love to see aladin or jasmin or even esmeralda being drawn in your style i think that would be really cool also if from brave you could draw merida i would love to see you challange yourself with those characters and how you will give them your own twist. anyway that are mabey some ideas's ^^ anyway love your proces keep it up )

I don't know the characters, but i love the drawing. the back ground makes the couple pop alot
what is awesome and i love the colors. really well done keep the job up ^^

I personally love disney alot, and know alot about the stories :P and i think this is a really classy look on snow white. she looks a bit older than in the movies of course but i love that you put in your own style and that makes it really good. i hope to see more of this ^^ keep the good job up.

Dahlia-K responds:

Thankyou so much! Inseed, I wanted to stylize as much as I can so my character would show through. I chose to portray an older and more serious version of Snow White to give off that subtle "gothic" feel with a little backstory to it :)

this is freaking awesome, i wish i was that talented. keep up the good work and i hope i will see more of your work soon ^^

DrawXAngel responds:

Thank you so very much!

it's so cute i love this ^^ keep up the good work ;)

Anico responds:

Thank you very much! I definitely appreciate the encouragement! :D

i reconise her she is from persona 4 right (anime) ^^ i love her character and you drew her awesome here. i would love to see more of this ^^ keep the awesome work up.

mmx4 responds:

man.... no!

I was a bit confused when i was looking at it firts but i figured it out now after a few seconds XD anyway i love the black and white creepy style of drawing only thing is what i see is that if that is the head of the girl it is a bit to small to be it. it would give a weird image of the character but if that was your intention than i can understand it if not than now you know :p anyway that was llitterly my only critic because further than that i love the drawing and i hope to see more creepy styled art from you ^^ keep the awesome job up ;)

GreiTo responds:

Thank youuu <3 <3 :D! Yeeaah, maby I should have drawn the head bigger :D.

it's so sweet you made that for him ^^ Jaza is an awesome guy and learned me alot of stuff and he is funny as well. i wish i could draw that well but i loove this. i think its awesome and well done keep your good work up ^^

AniLover16 responds:

Thanks!! ^_^
Sir Jazza liked it and retweeted it.. ^_^

welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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