Hey Guys,
So last week i have been on a trip and i wanted to talk about a place where i have been and that made a real infloance in my life and i wanted to to share this story with you all because it's inportant.
So last week i was in Berlin for a trip so i and other people could learn more about the history there. I already am a History nerd so to speak and i am intressted in what happend with alot of things especially stuff about world war II. at the end of the trip we went to Camp Sachsenhausen. for people that don't know that is a camp where the jews, gay people, people who where against Hitler and fought for there goals and so maney more people where brought. some where let free in the beginning but there where also people executed or tortured.
Camp Sachsenhausen isn't a place for people who don't understand what happend because this is a real place where really bad things happend. when i first saw the gate where the words ''Arbeit macht frei' stood i felt already bad. when i walked in instanly felt a strong force. it felt like people where puching on my chest and it was hard to breath.
I have seen the Barracks where the people slept in. i saw the original beds and cloths and shoes from the people that where found there. i even saw one of the original prison suites they had to wear there. on that point i was trying to calm myself down. i even have red some letters from a 12 year old saying she was scared to die but they wouldn't let them. it was heart breaking to read such a thing. or from a man who had to bring all the burned people had to dig up and burn again. i can't imagen how they must have felt.
After i saw the Barracks i saw the punshment Barracks where you where put if you did the wrong thing or a
Resistance warrior. the chambers where smal and some had dark rooms where people where put on there own chaned down to the floor. in some chambers there where plates where a country was on and was explained who was there and what happend to them. like some where tortured and some killed and more awful things. two parts where destroyed of the building but one part was still standing and i have seen that.
after that we went to the otherside of the Camp where there where memorials for all the countries that people had here. i saw there where little stones on the memorials and apperaintly that is a jewish tradition so from respect i layed two stones. one on the memorial for my country and one on the mass graves.
after i read all the signs for each country and saw the mass graves, i went to a little house. in that house they kept all the dead body's and some doctors experimented on those body's and that is sick. i saw the chambers underground where they stored them. they where old rooms with old white tiles and low to the ground there where taps so they could get rid of the blood (probebly) after i saw the chambers and the rooms above i had to get out. i couldn't take it anymore and even now it's bothering me. when i was out the camp sat down underneath a roof and cried. some tears fel down my cheeks and that doesn't happen often.
I can't believe such horrible things can happen to people and i always have heard stories and seen stuf about those kind of Camps but now i walked trough one where real people died or where executed. where real people where hold captive and where scared. the feeling that i had there i can feel it right now. for my life it is was a really inportant part of history and we need to see what happend so it will not happen that way again.
thank you for reading this if you did. i hope i could tell you somthing you where intressted in. this was life changing for me and with sharing this with you i hope i changed a little part of your life as well.
It must be very hard for you and many others to have seen the 'memories' left behind during one of the most painful times in modern history.The camps are powerful(and painful) reminders to everyone to never repeat such a mistake but sadly,these things still happen.
I'm glad you're back,so there,there.
Yah it was heart breaking but not only the memorials but just the place itself was mindblowing.
and your right these kind of things should never happen but in some things are used. i hope one day
that will be over.
i'm glad i'm back as well thanks for being there.