welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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Once opon a time...

Posted by NyanaCreation - April 14th, 2017

Hey Guy's.

so the same story as always. i got a new drawing and other things to upload in the next couple weeks/days. i also got some new pens that i can test out so i will try to test them out in future drawings. i'm also planning to write a book but i'm not sure about that what do you guy's think? but anyway i wanted to write a story again so here we go again ^_^


A long time ago i lived in a smal village in the woods. my village was from an old tribe that once lived there thousands of years ago. we where all elfs or most of the people who lived there. there was one person who wasn't or atleast not a full blood elf like most. i was a half blood, my parents where from two different tribes. my father was a full blooded elf and my mother a full blooded witch. i grew up with my father in the village but everyone knew somthing was wrong with the child because i didn't have the elf like ears and face. my caracter was the same and how i looked except my face was a little different from the others. everyone dispised me, they saw me as a curse of the gods because they didn't know what was wrong. my father told me it was just because i was a dragon born and that is why they felt that somthing was wrong and that that was the reason they despise me and evoided me. my dad on the other hand he gave me all his attention. he learned me archery and how to fight with all kinds of weapons and now i am the stongest in the village although most elfs don't even want to know i excist.

in the weekends i went to my mom in the forest. i never went to her village because the witches and wizards would know i would be a half breed and, that would be very dangerous for me. or that's what my mom told me. when i saw her in the woods i hugged her every time, she teached me all types of witch craft. so i can now do almost everything. my mom told me that she was one of the best witches in town and she is one of the main leaders of the village with a couple others. 

but for today i will tell you how i met him...

I woke up just before the sun came up that day. the sight out of my window was beautiful. the clouds where pink like the cotten candy i saw somthimes that they where selling in the big  city's. i could never go there but it was a soft pink color. i loved the orange sunlight that was shining trough the pink cloudes and the sun who was half sticking above the clouds. i looked back at my room and knew i had to go. it was time to hunt. i put on my armor (who was pretty light for somthing that could hold of steal swords) i grabbed my bow, my arrows, and my daggers and went on my way. my dad was probebly already hunting on the west side of the village like he always does. so i desided to go east to search for my dinner for tonight.

i learned from my mother how to transform into an animal and changed into a smal white fox and ran through the forest to a little lake deep into the forest. i loved to just sit there and watch the suroundings before starting the hunt. there was a big waterfall that ended there and the birds always where singing beautiful songs of joy. but today wasn't a normal day. i wasn't alone. there was man same age as me bathing in my lake. i looked around for somthing to destract him and to find out who he was and i finally after a couple minutes scanning the grass i saw his clothes. i sneaked over to them and hid them into a bush. i searched his stuff and nothing. there was nothing. 

before i could sneak off he looked my way. i saw his beautiful blue eyes scan the trees but luckly i was hiden. he had long blond hair in a pony tail and a strong body. i couldn't look away because with every move it could be a threatening move, eventually he saw his clothes where missing. he walked out of the lake and started searching. i grabbed his sweater and runned a couple meters from where his clothes where and walked out. when he finally spotted me i couldn't believe his reaction... 

To Be continued,




Great story!
-Promising background with the different race-clans, and how they interact with each other!
-Interesting universe that has inspiration from several different ones, like LOTR,
Harry Potter, The Elder Scrolls (Actually that song in the end is from The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim!)
-Vivid descriptions of the surrounding nature and sky!

Just a question: When your character ran out of the trees, she was still in fox-form, right?
If that is the case, will the unknown man hunt her for food, or offer her food and comfort?
We will see! :D

Thank you (but i don't know about LOTR) but yah it hase some stuff from everything although i didn't think about that while writing it.

and for the quistion: yah when she walked out of the bushes she was still in fox-form. and i ended it there to create an mysterious ending so you will think about how it could continue, but when i'm going to write the next part you will see what will happen. ^_^

I love your style of writing, the way that you develop the story, gives a warm feeling while reading it, even if it has sad moments at times, the overall feeling is very pleasnt :)
It's easy to imagine the whole scenario of the story, and the story itself, the content, is super beautiful too, thanks for sharing this :D

you can't imagen how happy that makes me. from when i was younger i wanted to make touching stories and be a story teller (writer). i wish mabey some day i can make a game and show the world a beautiful story. that you liked this gives me so much hope. thank you so much for reading this ^_^ it means the world to me