welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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A New Story

Posted by NyanaCreation - March 31st, 2017

Hey Guy's,

So these last couple day's have been busy. i had to answer alot of stuff and i still have alot of looong massages read but i love to aswer them. also today i finished a shoe i designed for one of my art classes. i think it turned out and i used the theme Space. i presonally love space and the mysterious things that are there, and also the science behind everything so i desided to use that. i hope i can show you all the shoe i made, it took some time to make but i finshed it so i'm happy. anyway i hope i can post that soon. after that i will try to post more art because i didn't have the change to work at a project that i have and my own personal drawings so i hope to that soon (it are now just little works on my work) 

anyway i wanted to write some more so here we go again (i will use the advice of @JamesHatfeld so i can make it better) but here we go again than ^_^


I ride home with tears in my eyes. the words run trough my mind... 'they call me things, they don't like me, they hate me, they think i'm a disgusting person' they words rush trough my mind. it's terrible to feel like your in a world where nobody likes you or just the feeling. like the world is a dark dark place with always cloudy day's. 'it's all my fault' that are the words running trough my head, it's my fault! i scream out while i start crying more and more every second i move forward, 

I finally see the door of my home. i put my bike in the shed and run to the door. i put my key's in the door but i'm shakking to much, after a couple seconds trying to put it in the keyhole i can get the key in. i open the door. i see my dad lying on the couch. he is lying with his head underneath the blanket he got from  upstairs. i know what happend. i see broken glass over the floor. it's my steph mom... she threw her glass at him. i don't know what happend to him but i see the room is a mess. i have been looking with shock at the scene. i trow my backpack in a chear and get a thing to clean up the mess with. 

i finally cleaned up the mess she left behind and go to my dad. 'dad are you ok?' i get no response. i lift up the blanket and see he isn't even breathing when i lift it up i see a knife in his hands and his palm is bleeding. he coverd it up pretty good but i found out it time. the tears now come fludding over my cheeks. i can feel the pain in my chest. i run to the phone. 'this can't be happening, th...th...this no... this can't' when i get the phone i put in 911. i hear the voice of a man. an ordenay man that is doing this for his job every day he hase to hear people in despair. but i hear him talking but i can't understand it eventually i hear 'mam can you hear me? where are you? do you need help?' i shock myself and say 'y..yes my d..dad he is..' i can't finish the sentance. i can hear him 'where are you' i say my adress and than i fall to the ground and drop the phone to the ground. i hear the guy now slowly raising his voice 'mam i'm sending help,they will be there in a couple minutes... mam?...mam?!' i can't react and i'm laying there lissening to him. eventually i hear him scream to his co-workers 'i hear her breathing, she is not responding? she is a teen why isn't she responding?!' i just lay on the floor with my head to the phone so he can hear me breathe. 

after a couple minutes i hear the police sirenes. the stop infront of my door. they nock on the door, once,... twice,... this is the third time. i hear that they are busting down the door. they run inside and see me laying on the floor with the phone and teares in my eye's. i just say 'i hope you can..... replace the door.' after a couple seconds i point at my dad. 'there'  one of the police man walks towards me and asks if i can stand. i don't respond. he picks me up and a couple minutes later he puts me in to the police car outiside. i see my neighboors who care alot about me rushing towards me. i look at them with dead eye's they hug me. 'are you okay my dear?' i again don't respond. they look scared at the police man and he wispers somthing to them 'she will be taken care of, she will be fine' 

i see my dad be dragged into the ambulance that arrived a couple minutes ago. i am considering the same thing as my dad... what is the point. the police man comes towards me. 'hey girl how old are you?' i say it with my fingers 'ah... you shouldn't have gone trough this. you will be fine trust me, i will take care of you. i promise' now i reconise his face and his voice, he is a friend of my dad. he comes by once in a while. most of the time i leave them alone. this must be though for him as well. 'i want to die John...' i see his face light up when i say his name but than see him turn to a man that i never saw before. he leanes in and he gives me a hug. 'he will be fine trust me, other wise i will be here always' 

he orders a one of his collegues to drive us to the police station. while we are driving he hugs me tightly, eventually he calls up his wife to say he will stay with me and if she wants to come by she can. afer that i close my eyes and lissen to the music on the radio. i wish i could be somewhere else. the music is relaxing me a bit but the tears are rolling still down my face but i'm dead silence. he doesn't stop hugging me and so we go on. lissening and me hugging a friend. what's going to happen next? i just lissen to the radio and fall asleep, 'it will be fine i'm going to be strong' i say. and slowelly drift in to sleep. 



i hope you all like that, it's a little bit depressing but what i wanted to say with this is that even though such bad things happen people care and they always do. you just have to see that and also that we have to be strong like the girl at the end. 

anyway Have A Great Day and Stay Positve <3





Good story (if this is story of course...)

yah it's a story don't worry ^_^
but thanks i'm glad you liked it.

Your story sounds so real it's scary! You have captured the horror of losing someone close perfectly, like the loss of sense of time, loss for words, little will to live. I know these things happen.
I have been there myself, unfortunately.
Well done, N!

that was what i wanted to show, i'm glad i could show those feelings to
and others. and be happy you never been so far (it's not fun i can tell you)
but thank you E ^_^