Hey Guys,
so today i desided not to finsh the story. (i had a lead but it had no continue so i desided to stop with this little story) instead i desided for this talking from me to spread some positivity. i know some people are in hard times or, hate them selfs, have big trouble or a hard life. i know how it feels and its hard but, look at me now ^_^ with all those things i created art, friends and make people that i know happy. i turn the negative in to positive. i know that its harder than i say but eventually it will turn around for you for me for everybody that believes in themselfs. and i will support the people spreading positive things. ''somthimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. tip toe if you must but at least take the step'' its a quote i found and it inspired me and i hope it does the same for you ^_^ just don't give up and have hope. behind the clouds wil always be the sun. try to be positive it will help you ;)
Don't Ever Let Enyone Dull Your Beautiful Spark ^_^
I read that last line as, "Don't Ever Let (A)nyone Dull Your Beautiful Snack" and wondered what you had that was so incredibly delicious. I bet it's cake. Are you currently in possession of beautiful cake? Would you be willing to share that beautiful cake? Sharing beautiful cake would most definitely be a positive thing.
NyanaCreation (Updated )
hahahaha no not cake but aaaaaaalot of delicious cookies ;) and sure i am willing to share :p (gives cookies to everyone)