welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

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somewhere in space <3

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Black eyes (about depression/suiscide)

Posted by NyanaCreation - May 21st, 2018

Hey Guys,

so as you might see this is my 50th post on this account what is awesome. i have at this point of time 67 fans what is just awesome. not even a couple days ago we hit 60 fans and this is so awesome. anyway today i have not been feeling well and that sucks. as some of you might know i have been dealing with thoughts that are not awesome and great to have so i desided to write a poem about it or a small story as some might call it. to me it means something and i would love for you to tell me what you think of it as well and don't forget to tell me about what you think it means. 
so to me this thing means something inportant and i hope to you to anyway thanks for reading this and i hope you like this poem as well. 

Dark eyes. 

Every night i look in the mirror,
The eyes that stare back are mine but also not. 
When i cry the next day my eyes are a bit darker. 
Will they turn black eventually? 

The day will come that i give up. 
The day came close that i would.
My eyes almost turned black.
They don't know the worse you feel the closer they come. 

The white eyes stare back in the beginning. 
But when the cloud of dark mist catches you,
You can't hide anymore. 

The thoughts creep trough your mind like spiders.
The eyes that where once white are now gray. 

That night someone came to visit,
It was a spirit to warn me about the eyes. 
His face appeared in the mirror this time. 
His words stuck to me as glue. 

'Your thoughts will consume you like a cloud,
Until the cloud lets you dissapear your in danger.
Like the moon, you have a dark side. 
Until the clock runs out your save.
But if your eyes are black you will go'

After the words he disspeared from sight. 
The clock ticks until this day, 
And the cloud appeares once in a while. 

Every day the cloud creeps from the coners of the room.
And when your not looking it takes you. 
The cloud brings you to a black dream, 
But you can't get out. 

That day my eyes turned to dark gray, 
My days are like a clock. 
When my eyes turn dark, 
The mirror will shatter and blood will run over the walls. 

Blood will flow, 
It will hit the walls like paint.
It will be a master peace of the ages. 
And for a week it will be famous. 

But when that time runs out it will only be known,
By the master of time. 
The dark eyes will hunt you forever. 

Like the clock, the cloud it will hunt you. 
Until the clock runs out, 
Or the dark eyes get you. 

What will your road be? 

Even today so many people have been trown to that,
The dark got them and there blood had hit the wall.
There names are forgotten by everyone. 
Only family will know and remember.

There eyes got the best. 
There eyes turned black before the clock was done. 
They didn't get help when asked. 
Or they never asked. 

They faught there black eyes but never won. 
I am fighting my dark eyes today, 
But i can go another day. 

I hope nobody has to fight them, 
I hope if they have to the will win from the, 
Black eyes.


(i hope you liked reading this or atleast appreaciated because something like this isn't something fun. anyway thanks for reading, here you have some music you can enjoy) 










It's a very deep poem, I think we all can identify with it (I know I did), it's a continuous fight against depression, and the part that hit me the most was: "They didn't get help whan asked, or they never asked", it's so hard to ask for help, or impossible, the good thing is that you remember people who can give a hand in those hard times :)

it's a poem about how i feel right now and every single day gets worse and worse. depression is something everyone has come in contact with eather trough a friend or by themself. and i remmember there is help and people are there to help you but like you said. it's so hard, when you feel it doesn't matter anyway.

We are always reminded that life is short and sometimes it feels like a boxing match- brutal and damaging to the mind,soul and even the body.That's the reality of life but we have to keep getting up for whatever the reasons we live for. I understood this from one of my favourite songs:
I'll leave it here for you to check it out and I would love to hear your thoughts about it!The part about having 'black eyes staring' is quite a creative way of saying the unpleasantness that greet us in life.Anyway,another great poem,keep it up,my friend!

somethimes it would be easier to take a break from life but the only break you get is sleeping. and the song is good, not really my music type i enjoy alot but it's still good music and i can appreaciate and respect the song. i am glad you could understand that meaning from that song. and thanks for the compliment, the black eyes i got because of cosplay. you have these pitch black contacts and i used that idea for my thoughts. anyway thank you so much for this, i'll try to keep up the poems. i hope i'll see you later friend <3

@MchectorII @NyanaCreation It's okay,everyone has their own taste unlike me(I don't have one,haha.)Hmm,who knew that it was your costume that gave you an idea for your poem but then again,inspiration is everywhere.Yeah,your work is one of the reasons I keep coming back here,so I'll be happy to stay!

don't say that about yourself. everyone has a taste eather if it is good or bad that is different for everyone. so there exctually isn't a bad taste because something bad for someone else is good for someone else ;) so you have taste just a different one than that i have. anyway the eyes idea didn't come from my cosplay, i don't wear contacts because they terriffy me and i am scared i will lose eye sight or something when i don't do it right but yah the idea came from cosplay ^^

and aahww don't say that. i'm sure there is enough that keeps you here. i am not that good at what i do, i haven't even been doing poems for long but atleast if it makes you have i am glad i could because that's the point of my work ^^

Depression is almost impossible to happen if you have hope. For example, I hope to find friends in high school next September. Or, I believe that when I die, it will be an entrance to a new, heavenly life.

When nothing is about to get better - well, then there aren't many reasons to be happy. We must therefore act immediately and try to cheer up anybody around us who seems to be depressed. I'm not in the best of moods either, so I really appreciate genuine attempts from others to make me feel happy. In real life, I have yet to see someone do that for me.

i'm not sure if you have ever had depression but that is not true (atleast for me), you can have so much hope but you can still have depression. and dying for you might be a way to heaven for me i don't believe that and i am not easily convinst so heaven isn't really something i believe i will go to.

online it's easier to express yourself because you hide behind a picture or a name or both. this way people don't know who you are but you can release your stories without being judged. in the real world it's different. people know who you are and when your depressed you have more chances to being judged and bullied than something else. you only tell really close friends, otherwise people can hurt you and that is why they hide that part of themselfs. mabey you do it to and you hide that part and that is why people don't see it. online it's easier to cheer people up, and i think it's inportant to do so because atleast a little smile might get them trough the day and let's them know they are being cared for.

@TheVenturer @NyanaCreation I had real depression only once, when my parents divorced, but I'm more often in the bad moods than in the good ones, so I can understand.

States of bad mental health such as depression need more attention. It will rarely dissolve by itself. There are beautiful people all around us, but they need to know that they can help.

I'm going to be that guy and say - if you've tried everything and it didn't work, if you still have a pessimistic view on the world around you, maybe it's time to do it God's way. Just consider it.

i think depression doesn't just poof away like that, it's not like you can have it just once because it hunts most people for there intire life. and i am sorry to hear your parents devorced i have been trough that and it sucks but atleast they found it better that way. i hope you can still see both of them.

and i know you don't need to tell me that. and don't worry about me. there are just periods i feel bad in and it's an after effect of having depression for years. it just pops up for a while and i take care of it on my own. i don't bother anyone with it because it's a waste of time on there part. and i don't want to be that depressed person in the room so i keep myself positive. and sorry to say this but i don't believe and probebly will never again. i think making your god part of my life is not a good idea, for many reasons i don't want to get into. i am not against believing in any way but it's not for me sorry. i am glad if it helps you but for me it doesn't work that way.
anyway thanks for commenting again.

(btw wanted to put in a smiley but pushd the wrong putten because lag :p so if it offends you sorry i ment no harm with it.)

@MchectorII @NyanaCreation @NyanaCreation Thanks for saying that,I guess it's just that I seemed to have no favourites in anything,thus I have no taste.I see what you mean about using contacts,I used to think it can be a little tricky and they can sometimes irritate your eyes but they are still safe to use so no worries there!You can also ask an eye doctor for advice if you are unsure.Now I'm curious about how your cosplaying costume looks like..
You're right,there's a lot of reasons I keep returning here but right now,replying to my friends here is the only one for me as I am spending less time here.

Pfff that is fine ;) i don't have alot of favorites so it's fine and it doesn't mean you dodn't have taste it more means that you have more stuff you like at once. and for the contacts, they are not always save to use. i have done research of it and you need to go to an eye doctor and messure your eyes and get the right size because otherwise it could end up badly and your eyes irritate. and aahww i am still painting my cosplay hoodie put 23 hours into it and more to go but i think i have some time after this so i will try to make some photo's ;) and i am thinking of making an insta with all my cosplay stuff. and aahww thats sweet to reply ^^ i am glad you do because it makes my day alot better.

@MchectorII @NyanaCreation @NyanaCreation It's good that you researched about using contacts first,then again,I have never worn them before,so I don't know much.Wow,that sounds like a lot of work.I wish I can help in some way but I'm sure it will turn out great!And if you think having an insta helps,go for it!Aww thanks for saying that,you are doing the same for me too and I did write about reliving the old days here so keeping in touch with friends like you is one of the best things of coming back here.

haha of course i would. when you want to become a proffecional cosplayer you need to know that kind of stuff so you won't harm yourself. and don't worry ;) you don't need to help out, i really like working with my hands and being creative. the work is quite tiny and i am working on the details so it's been from now on a one mans job :p but thanks for the thought ^^ and thanks i am glad you support the insta idea, i just want to memories and show people my cosplay journey and it makes me happy you find it a good idea ^^ and no need to thank me, it helps when your here and it cheers me up alot especially in the bad days so i need to thank you again :p for always being there for me. your one of my oldest friends on here and seeing you from time to time is awesome.

@MchectorII @NyanaCreation @NyanaCreation It's the least I can do for my friends and if you're interested,I have some useful art content I found over time.

your already doing alot ;) and yah sounds intressting ^^

@Jabicho @NyanaCreation Yeeees, just please remember it does matter, I'm here for you and I'm sure your other friends too, so if sometime a day is super hard (or not hard at all, it doesn't matter XD ), write me and I'll be happy to write you back, even if it's just casual chatting or important things you can count on me for all of them. you're my friend and I care for you :)

aahww thank you so much, that means the world to me ^^ i will if i need to and don't hesitate to do the same thing okay ^^

@NyanaCreation Hey so did Trionyx ever tell you who she was talking about the other day that made her mad?
She said someone on NG's was making her mad and she went to the moderator to talk about them getting kicked off.
Why would she do that to someone?
I am not in favor of cutting someone's online feed just because you don't like what they talk about. Is there really no "Freedom of Speech?"

i reconize the name just don't really remember it right now (i am a bit dizzy and tired today so it could be that) i remember it a little bit, if i am correct it was an older friend who she was in a fight with i think but i am not sure i can also be really wrong. i can't really know what it is about, i tried to search for it but i couldn't find it as well as i couldn't find anyyone by the name Trionyx on NG atleast not now. mabey someone else knows about it but i am not really the person to talk about this or help you out sorry.

@AdventVoice oops typo confusion Troisnyx (That is who I meant) anywho it is all over her twitter feed: she said: So someone on NG has been feeling mighty low and suicidal, which I can empathise with. Many people, myself included, have attempted to help him, with words both gentle and harsh, and our presence, what little it can do, but he pushes us all away. Then she goes on to say that she told him not to upload things from YouTube and dump it on the news feeds: No, you cannot reupload music and soundtracks composed by others to YouTube, unless they tell you it's okay. 1/ #gameaudio...just a whole lot of stuff that I thought fell in line with trying to gag someone that was wanting use NG's as an outlet..I don't know either though.
Anyway have you decided what you are going to do for RobotDay2018 yet?

it's fine everyone makes typo's sometimes, and it sounds like a controlling friend. if someone was doing that to me i would cut them out of life really fast, someone that controles your life can be one of the factors that make you depressed what is really sad. even though it is meant for a good reason it can effect him very badly. anyway about robotday2018, i don't do holidays really not here in the real world and online only inktober because i like drawing. bad experience with holiday stuff so probebly i would comment on something you post and otherwise i will probebly do what i normally do anyway i hope you do something nice though, it nice to hear if someone had a good time.

@AdventVoice This is what I did for RobotDay2018 https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dreams-of-drone I think it was pretty cool and will be a nice touch for this year. Hopefully I can make you something for V-day.

yah i saw what you made for roboday it is pretty cool. i couldn't make that :p and V-day? like valentines day? thats the only holyday that starts with an V sooo yah. i could be really wrong though. but you don't have to make me something really i am not really worth that time and effort but thanks for the tought though ^^

@AdventVoice Just because you said you not worth the time and effort I am going to do it and put you name in awesome letters at that bottom of the picture. If you PM me we can talk about how your avatar should look. All I need is basic information like hair color and if you like flowers, big boxed presents or simply chocolates in a heart shaped box and I can come up with a pretty flashy skit, for Valentines Day. ^^

pffffff you know if you don't want to you don't have to but if you really want to do this send me a list of quistions and i will answer them for you as soon as possible (probebly a couple minutes after you send it :p ) anyway thanks for this. i don't really get presents for anything just one of my close friends gave me 3 things for gifts when we first met (online friend) and i cried :p didn't mean to but i did so thanks so much for even thinking about it. i really don't deserve that.

Good poem, but where is depression/suiscide subtext? I see a bad mood but it is not so bad as coud be.
In music colours how is it dark?
Dark as Doom:

i am not sure if you read trough it good enough then. in a poem it doesn't have to be direct but this is about depression and suiscide it's not just a bad mood. i think you should read it again and mabey you see the metafors. i know not everyone can see the meaning but it is there and mabey your someone that doesn't see it because it's not direct enough and that's okay. but it's not just a ''bad mood'' like you think. read it again if you want and try to figure it out thats my challange to you ;) anyway thanks for the comment (and btw that's not dark music i think, just some hard music with dark titels. nothing really dark about it. it's nice to lissen to though)

@NyanaCreation it is hard, I fight each day with my depression. Hang in there.

i know it's really hard but i am lucky everyday if i feel okay ^^ i have been batteling depression for years now and i know if i can make it trough this you can to so stay strong as well okay. if you ever need help with it just send me a PM and i am willing to help (and try to react back as fast as i can) anyway keep your head high and stay positive okay ^^

I read your comment but removed as my hubby may not like it. Yes. I am married but things arent well. Thank you for positive words.