Hey Guys,
so as you might see this is my 50th post on this account what is awesome. i have at this point of time 67 fans what is just awesome. not even a couple days ago we hit 60 fans and this is so awesome. anyway today i have not been feeling well and that sucks. as some of you might know i have been dealing with thoughts that are not awesome and great to have so i desided to write a poem about it or a small story as some might call it. to me it means something and i would love for you to tell me what you think of it as well and don't forget to tell me about what you think it means.
so to me this thing means something inportant and i hope to you to anyway thanks for reading this and i hope you like this poem as well.
Dark eyes.
Every night i look in the mirror,
The eyes that stare back are mine but also not.
When i cry the next day my eyes are a bit darker.
Will they turn black eventually?
The day will come that i give up.
The day came close that i would.
My eyes almost turned black.
They don't know the worse you feel the closer they come.
The white eyes stare back in the beginning.
But when the cloud of dark mist catches you,
You can't hide anymore.
The thoughts creep trough your mind like spiders.
The eyes that where once white are now gray.
That night someone came to visit,
It was a spirit to warn me about the eyes.
His face appeared in the mirror this time.
His words stuck to me as glue.
'Your thoughts will consume you like a cloud,
Until the cloud lets you dissapear your in danger.
Like the moon, you have a dark side.
Until the clock runs out your save.
But if your eyes are black you will go'
After the words he disspeared from sight.
The clock ticks until this day,
And the cloud appeares once in a while.
Every day the cloud creeps from the coners of the room.
And when your not looking it takes you.
The cloud brings you to a black dream,
But you can't get out.
That day my eyes turned to dark gray,
My days are like a clock.
When my eyes turn dark,
The mirror will shatter and blood will run over the walls.
Blood will flow,
It will hit the walls like paint.
It will be a master peace of the ages.
And for a week it will be famous.
But when that time runs out it will only be known,
By the master of time.
The dark eyes will hunt you forever.
Like the clock, the cloud it will hunt you.
Until the clock runs out,
Or the dark eyes get you.
What will your road be?
Even today so many people have been trown to that,
The dark got them and there blood had hit the wall.
There names are forgotten by everyone.
Only family will know and remember.
There eyes got the best.
There eyes turned black before the clock was done.
They didn't get help when asked.
Or they never asked.
They faught there black eyes but never won.
I am fighting my dark eyes today,
But i can go another day.
I hope nobody has to fight them,
I hope if they have to the will win from the,
Black eyes.
(i hope you liked reading this or atleast appreaciated because something like this isn't something fun. anyway thanks for reading, here you have some music you can enjoy)
It's a very deep poem, I think we all can identify with it (I know I did), it's a continuous fight against depression, and the part that hit me the most was: "They didn't get help whan asked, or they never asked", it's so hard to ask for help, or impossible, the good thing is that you remember people who can give a hand in those hard times :)
NyanaCreation (Updated )
it's a poem about how i feel right now and every single day gets worse and worse. depression is something everyone has come in contact with eather trough a friend or by themself. and i remmember there is help and people are there to help you but like you said. it's so hard, when you feel it doesn't matter anyway.