Hey Everyone,
So you probebly saw the title and probebly already know it is time again. like i said before, once in a while i will thank everyone who supported me, like my fans and my friends. a couple of days ago we hit a mile point and i got 60 fans!!
everyone blew my mind to be honest. i am not someone who is special and i am just doing my thing with spreading my poems, stories and drawings as well as trying to help others out. everyone followed me and when i began i never thought i would hit this mile stone and it is awesome and i am so proud of myself and what i have done and of course i am proud to have you all. alot of people i have talked to and alot of people are so super sweet and supportive even willing to give me advice and help when i felt down or even with things i am proud of. i am so happy that all off you are following me and that everyone is so awesome ^^
So Thank you all for the support and all the advice. i appreaciate it so much, i never thought people would follow me and you all proved me so wrong ^^ so thank you so much for supporting, helping, giving avice and so much more.
i am so happy i have all of you so thank you 10000 times.
Of course i have some friends i am very close to on NG so i would like to thank them personally. i really wanted to give a personal message to everyone but 60 people is alot to write and if you know me for a while i want to be genuen and honest and i write to much so that would be alot of work and time that i unfortunally don't have right now. because of alot of learning i have to but mabey in the future ^^
Anyway here are the people i want to thank personally.
@JamesHatfeld : Dear E, I know you more than a year now. we have chatted so much and shared so much with each other. we became more than friends and we became more like family, and i care so much about you. your such a positive person who stayes supportive even if it's hard for me. i really look up to you. so thank you for all the support and being here from almost the beginning ^^
@EvanScale : Dear Evan, You saw me grow from the beginning. your an amezing artist and if i had quistions i could always come to you to ask advice and without hesitation you answered. you are one of the people i also appreaciate because you didn't just ignore me and was happy to help me and it helped me so much so thank you so much for your friendly advice and support.
@G4CEsz-Official : Dear G4, We did a colab in the beginning of this place. i really enjoyed collabing with you and you where so friendly. your a lovely person and i am greatull i got to talk to you. so thank you so much for the support.
@Jabicho : Dear J, You always read my stories and poems. even though you aren't always around i notice you go back to older posts to check them out and react on them. you put effort in reading all of my writing and i really appreaciate that. so thank you so much for that effort and supporting me trough this like everyone else.
@MassGas: Dear M, in the last couple months we have become good friends. we have talked alot and it's always about nice stuff and if we need advice we talk about that. somethimes when i didn't want to talk to anyone you where the one i wanted to talk to and you where there to talk. i really enjoy our friendship and i hope we can stay friends for a long time. so thanks for the support and being my friend ^^
@MchectorII : Dear Mc, Thank you for these years. i know i haven't been able to talk to you for a while but i haven't forgotten about you. i loved talking to you and when i had nobody here i had you to talk to. you where there when i just started a new chapter of my life and you helped. so thank you for being there for me and supporting me trough it ^^
@Pogipawn : Hey R, we had a little bump in out road to friendship but all that is forgiven and we moved on. right now we are starting our friendship and i like it alot. your energy is really fun and your so fun to talk to. your random but on the same time just normal. although your really shy and don't think you look good, i want to say you are mabey shy but i think your beautiful in and out and i am happy we are starting this new journey toghter and i hope we will be good friends in the future and that you will be alot less shy around me. so thanks for saying yes to my requist for friendship. it means alot to me ^^
Anyway that where the people i wanted to thank personally because they mean a great deal to me. so for everyone who followed me thanks again so much for the support and all the love and advice. i love you all for supporting me. and it means so much to me. so keep your head up and stay positive.
Here is some music i just discovered that i really enjoy. and below that is everyone who is supporting me so mabey check some people out. anyway sty positive and have a lovely day/afternoon/night ^^
(the first is my favorite song right now ^^ )
Here is everyone ^^
@botnot435 @CoolNinjaTMNTfan @Distroyer120
@GobSmacked @JustAPunnyGuy @JamesHatfeld
@PancakePocket @StaticSkull @Unicorns223
@Alexwilsoncomposer @MassGas @3AceNG
@Carlos01 @Croude @drake-rex
@HazzaTimmy @JMations98 @LunacyOfficial
@Mochipet @Skiddle @stewardhklarlover
@zwm @Ante45 @Cholos
@DarkDruid5 @G4CEsz-Official @Jabicho
@M4dMonst3r @Mr-Insanity97 @ss4GOKU890
@Tadiel @MchectorII @Atp505
@BFFcraft @Distroyer120 @IamDCMarque
@JohnEarthBreathGames @rsonbie456 @shiro66699
@KungFuSpaceBarbarian @T3xno @TAJones20
@ThiefOfVoid @Voltage @Wondermeow
@AdventVoice @AUTAKU @cat911
@CocoVersi @DawnTheNightmaren @Dj-Compact
@Dray2018 @Gamedestroy @Joshuaoriade
@KinoThe3rd @Moondesire @mrbadazz
@RevolverKakyoin @SapkyRides @Sketchii
It is nice to be a part of that number. In the world of creation we should always aspire to inspire. Short of that I feel I am doing a disservice. Thank you for the well wishes and know I am rooting for you!
aaahhww that's awesome and so nice <3 i want to inspire alot of people as well as learn and that is great for doing any type of creation. anyway i'm so happy your rooting for me that makes me smile ^^ i hope we can acomplice awesome things all toghter <3