welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

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somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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Posted by NyanaCreation - April 17th, 2018


Hey Guy's

So as some might ask hmm... what would they write this time. i most of the time don't even write at this time because usually i need to go to my classes. (for me it's pretty early so that's why) anyway one of my classes fell out this morning so i have all the time of the world right now what is funny because usually after classes i am not able to write unless i am in the mood for it. kinda weird right? anyway it's that way and because i have alot of time right now and i don't have anything else to do with the time i desided to talk on here. 

The last couple of weeks i have been watching Ash Hardell (youtube channel) she talks alot about LGBTQ+ things and that intrest me alot. for me it's more about understanding other people in the LGBTQ+ community and having it easier in the future and i am also intressted in how there life is because of what kind of LBGTQ+ they are. most of the people i have seen and met are awesome, friendly and open minded people and i am happy because of that but there are some people that don't have that. it's sad but it's true, atleast you have alot of awesome people in the world who make up for that. 

Why i wanted to talk about the LGBTQ+ is because i have noticed with my place i live in people  have heard of the word but they don't really know what it is because one: they have never had to ''deal'' with such a situation themself. two: don't know anyone who is part of the community or three: they just don't know what it is, but heard it once or twice.  with me that is fine. unfortunatly there are some people who know what it is and spread hate about it and for me thats sad. the LGBTQ+ is a community that is full off love. some groups don't understand each other and  that is something that goes on in the community, but that is normal for what i see. there are always people in other communities as well that don't understand each other, and that is fine. if people tried to understand each other than i think everything would be fine and everything can be talked out then. 

If you read all of that above props to you your stubborn or someone who loves reading can be eather one to be honest but thanks ^^ 

Anyway as some might know i am a ''member'' of the LBGTQ+ community and i love it. for me it's something special to be honest. of course i said member but your not really a member. if you are in one of the labels in LGBTQ+ you are in the community and you don't have to do something weird to get in. the community is like a second home to me. i have seen alot of awesome people that are loving and that makes me really happy. some things i can't discus with my friends about LGBTQ+ and i haven't told them about some things because it would cause trouble. i find that troubeling because it is something i have to carry around without being open about it. it's like hiding who you are but with the community it's just awesome because i can be myself and most people don't judge you for that. 

so for the people who don't know me i will explain kinda who i am in the LGBTQ+ community. for the easy start like 1 and a half year ago i started to discover myself more and more. before that i had a freaking hard time and couldn't focus on anything but the problems that where going on in my life. they where not light hearted and it took up all my time as well as energy, because of that i never got the chance to think about who i wanted to be and who i am. until then.  first i discovered i was something called bisexual or how i call it Bi. for me that meant at the time i can love men and woman. easy and simple. but i changed that a couple months ago. i changed it to Pansexual because that means for me that i can love anyone in between as well. and for me that is one thing i love about me (what i don't say often) i am really happy it doesn't matter for me what gender or sex you are because for me it matters if i like you or not and if you have a good personallity.  also i am a non-binary/trans person. i haven't admit it to anyone atleast not face to face to someone in my real life. because that shit is scary. it's not a hey i am this and than your done but it's also that you get alot of shit about it because alot of people say you can't be both. and i dissagree. Ash Hardell changed my mind on that so much, because i thought it's one or the other but they told me it doesn't have to be that way. here is a video she has about talking about being trans or atleast saying it for th first time about them self, as well as explaing some things. 


For me Ash Hardell is a role model. it isn't exactilly easy to go through all of it and it's alot to figure out as well it takes alot of freaking time to figure shit out because it's pretty complicated. as well as the quistions will come where i am asking myself if i want to take T (testoterones), get some things changed on my body or  if i will cut my hair. i am taking small steps right now with walking around with a binder and ''guy'' clothes what is already a huge risk for me because the people from my classes are not the nicest people so getting bullied is something i take a risk with but right now it's going fine. and i am so happy it does. 

in the future i hope to do more and really be myself because right now i am not really who i want to be.it's a huge risk for me but it's also a change in my life i want to make happen and go through with. mabey i will never take T but i am still who i am or i never get things changed with my body but i can still be me, and for me that is the most inportant. this post is meant to be for me and for people who want to tell there story about LGBTQ+ or have quostions about it. i am fine with all of those because i would love to respond to both. i also know that alot of LBTQ+ people have the problem that they don't have an accepting home and that sucks alot and i want to be a hand reaching out to talk to. it's already hard enough to be who you are without getting comments on it but also being not accepting makes it harder. i would love to hear all the stories and i am open to it so much. i hope i can talk about it more in my next post and explain some more stuff or just talk about my experiences. anyway i hope to see all your responses and stories. 

anyway i hope you all have a wonerfull day ^^ 








Good read. For the majority I feel like all the terminology that comes with the LGBTQ+ Just that acronym's so hard to memorize) is maybe the hardest part. I'm fine with everyone being whatever they choose to be, regardless of what body they were born with, but pansexual, agender, bi, non-binary, third gender, trigender, genderbender... there's just too much to keep track of! XD Guess it's easier to learn when it's relevant... feels like a great mindset to like people based on their personality rather than anything else btw, though I assume appearance still has a lot of effect right?

What I really came here to ask though was: what was your username before you had it changed, if it's no secret?

i'm glad you thought it was good. and don't worry i don't know every single group. just the ones that are relevant and that i have seen the most. for a big part i had to figure out what it meant but you learn :p anyway for feeling attracted to people it's for me kinda weird. i always told my friends i had a ''crush'' but it wasn't really a crush. i can think the person looks cute or good in a way and that makes me want to be friends but nothing more. i get a crush when i find there personality attractive and then the feelings begin but before that it isn't really sexual attraction what when your youngher is weird but i figured it out :p but i am happy it works for me that way ^^

for your other quistions kinda curious why you wonder what my user name was before. it's nothing special and doesn't reveal something secret but it's embarressing XD my username before was MinecraftGirl2 because when i came to this site i wanted to make skins. i enjoyed being busy in that way and it took alot of time and i could help my friends. and for the most part it was a distration for the bullying i went trough. so with fast thinking i made an account with that name so i could save my creations XD some you can still find on my main page ^^ (i think they looks good still so i didn't do a bad job atleast XD )

anyway thanks for the long comment ^^ (i hope to see you around more)

Good to know it's complex even for the initiated ones! XD Also interesting how that works... guess attraction via appearance might come around later on? Just seems like... a fundamental thing... well whichever way works! :)

Well I keep a list. :) I run a statcrawler for the Hexalist (monthly ranking of users with over 2x10K stats) and keep it mostly in conjunction to that. Even if all the name changes I log aren't users that'll appear there it's... become a bit of a hobby I guess. :) Feels like it's a useful reference to have. Read you'd changed your name in a comment somewhere so thus: curious what the old one was! Thanks for revealing. :) And it's not embarrassing is it? Minecraft's a cool game (though never really had time to play it - I love LEGO though). Good to know!

For sure, hope to be around more! :)

yup, it was like a journey to figure out but i am sure this won't change in the future and i wouldn't mind at all ^^

so it's a hobby to know old names of people :p haven't heard that one before but deventually not the strangest hobby i have seen ^^ (it sounds stupid but i collect counts with a nice image on them so i have some from sweden and frm my country itself that i keep. i find them beautiful and it's something to look forward to but only the ones i have never seen though XD) and no need to thank me for that it's just an old name right. i am sure it wouldn't do any harm ^^ and if you do the right things in minecraft it can be still really cool and lego is cool if you ever have seen the stuff they built with it it's incredible. also lego land is where they show alot of stuff they built. one guy built a whole house once with lego pretty inpresive ^^

i'm happy to hear that ^^

For sure. :)

Haha yeah I guess it is! Or... obsession? People with a great interest in stats seem to keep all kinds of lists here too, like the maybe much more useful: https://painbringer.newgrounds.com/news/post/771661

Oh nice! :D What... is a count though? Or maybe coins... (if so I collect those too - not sure I have any from space but quite a few from around the world :P)? Oh yeah I have seen some Minecraft showcases, it's pretty amazing how much time some people dedicate to that craft! Remember visiting Lego Land in England when I was a kid too, really fun memories there, was crawling around in LEGO caves with talking LEGO parrots and pirates and what-not. :) Not sure I'd get the same impression now but I still appreciate the craft... every once in a while a stopmotion movie in LEGO pops up here at NG too!


I'm happy to hear you're getting along with the community members of the LGBTQ+ !
Having the support of friends sure can make the difference anytime we feel alone or misunderstood, and knowing that the community is full of love and support is a great thing, and helps deal with the daily stress that life can give :)

I checked out Ash's video! She's amazing, I'm gonna check her other videos too :D

And remember that you can count on me too! Anytime! :D whenever you want to chat I'm there for you :)

yah friends help akot and th community does even more. but its still very complicated. and yah ash is awesome and super friendly and so supportive and thats why i like her alot.
and thanks for the support and i will PM you if i need help ;) but thanks.