welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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Cosplay, Music & The Project.

Posted by NyanaCreation - April 5th, 2018

Hey Guy's 

So i haven't posted someting in a little bit. for what i am doing now is studying for tests and that can be freaking stress
full and that sucks alot. (so my mind is trying not to fail and hoping i will not for this year) anyway i have 
been prectasing how to draw with alchahol markers and i am trying to inprove my drawing style (although it's
hard to see when you just look at two pictures you just drew :p ) 

And of course i wanted to start the project. i had some troubel starting it. i usually have trouble starting projects for some reason but i wanted to start writing the scripts today so the voice actor can start and practise them as well. 
and of course i am working on cosplay. 

About the script: 
it's going to be really simple at first just some random ASMRs and after that i want a ASMR series. mabey one that guides you trough an adventure or mabey ghost town or something. i love the fact you can close your eyes and just think about how the place looks and of course how the person talking looks. mabey i want the character to realise you can only lissen. it would be so cool just to do that and make a whole fantasy world around it. i am so excited to start the project and just let the lisseners enjoy the journey they go on. it's also an challange for me with writing. i need to really think about what the character wants to say, make a personallity, think about how things can be said, how noises need to sound as well as think about how the lissener will react and of course what they might think. i love that this will be a new challange (if i can start it) and mabey i can discover a whole new world. as well as i hope that everyone enjoyes it. 

About the cosplay: 
for the people who are curious i am now busy with my Jack Frost cosplay. an awesome friend is helping me get an awesome wig that i can use for it. this will be my first profecional cosplay or one i put into alot of energy. i made the staff myself and i am really proud of it. although walking home and sitting in the bus was freaking akward :p i had a nice short conversation because of it though. anyway i am searching for the hoodie and the pants now. i am going to paint the hoodie myself and i will modefy the pants if it needs and shoes i don't need because he doesn't wear shoes.

I really wanted to go Comic Con Summer 2018 but i couldn't because this cosplay wasn't finished yet. my friend went there and went as Zelda (she looked freaking awesome and she made the costume with help of her mom and she looked stunning, she blew me away ^^ ) i really wanted to go with her but i didn't have any other parts of the costume and i really hated that but it had to be that way. (it was also expencive so i wanted to have some more money before i am going to spend it all :p ) i am planning to go to the winter Comic Con 2018 though. it also fits with Jack Frost alot more and i hope my friend can be there than. i could't find him last year there so i hope this year he can come and can acompany Jack Frost ^^ anyway i really hope i can finish the whole cosplay before Winter Comic Con 2018. 

I really want a photoshoot when i get it done. mabey i can get some friends to help me out ^^ anyway i hope you enjoy that little cosplay update. thanks for reason. 

I hope you enjoy reading this and have an awesome day 
otherwise i hope that i made your day a little brighter ^^









(i wanted to share alot of music today i hope you all enjoy it some are some dance video's but they are still freaking awesome) 




I believe in you, Nyana! You will pass, and your tests will go well, because I'm pretty sure you're a really smart person ;)

And oooo, you got alcohol markers now?! Yay! Congratulations!! :D :D :D
I hope you find them fun and interesting to use, and that they give you new ways to express yourself through your art and drawings and that those special markers make your drawings even more special to you ^-^ I *really* look forward to seeing art from you made with the new alcohol markers... but no rush, with all the tests and preparation you have in these times :)

Woah, that script of yours is going to be AWESOME! Ghost towns are both cool, mysterious and creepy. Maybe you can have different ASMRs in the same ghost town, but the videos will have different "moods", like nervous, frightened (ghosts/ Scooby-Doo?) confident/protective and curious? Just an idea. The listener could be unable to see because many reasons: a bet, damage, blind or blindfold for example.

And your Jack Frost cosplay sounds really good, too, I'm glad you are having fun thinking about it (at least I hope that's the case, that it's not all worries)... although, about no shoes, at least wear shoes or simple sandals, otherwise it might get cold :P ...*and* people can step on your feet/toes, and that's not pleasant.

Great to hear your friend had a great Zelda costume! Which version of the princess was she? (I ask because I'm curious, as she has different appearance or different clothing and hair color from game to game)

I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to go, though... most people don't have unlimited money :P I hope you get the Frost costume ready in time, too! You deserve to experience such an amazing place again! ;) ,and that you are able to get a photoshoot or two!

And I really enjoyed that update, it made my day brighter! Thank you! :3
How is the dancing going? :P ;)

"S.L.U.T.": I thought it was... decent, but surprised you like it 'xD

"She Wants Me Dead":catchy, but the lyrics could have been... more varied.

"16 Shots": catchy, but (even) I wasn't sure about all that was sung. I thought (Hm, is *that* what I heard, or was it *that*)

"Get Ugly": didn't like the text, but the dancing was fun and impressive.

"Tip Toe": song not too bad, although the dancing was not my taste, looked like the women were showing off their "assets", something I disprove of. (the song could be named Tip Hoe ;P )

"Finesse": It is impossible for me to watch anything connected to Bruno Mars 'xD

"Feel Still": It was alright, catchy, though the video made me suspect drugs had been taken 'xD

Yay!! great things are coming! Good luck on your Jack frost cosplay!, i'm sure you´'ll have a lot of fun when you go to the comicon, congrats on making the costume yourself! was it hard work? but I'm sure it was worth it :D (Is the event around june, july?).
I love the script idea! when i read your stories they are always so relaxing to read and have their own magic, so you already have the talent to develop the idea :D

i am reallly happy with how far i have come with the cosplay for the staff i'm already done and have like 8 hours in that or more i think. for the sweater i have already been painting it and i'm not done yet but there are 23 hours in that :p but its fun to do. and th event is around november i think.

and thanks alot. i have one script done and i have send it to thevoice actor but he is not done yet and that is fine i hope i can finish it soon ^^ but thanksit makes me happy that you like my stories and see magic in them.