welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

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Cosplaying <3

Posted by NyanaCreation - January 30th, 2018

Hey Guy's 

So mabey some of you have seen my post that i made a couple days ago (two posts ago i think) there i tell you i am making the staff of jack frost from the movie: Rise of The Guardians. (i love that movie) and as some of you know it is called cosplaying and i love it alot so i descided to talk about a bit more so. i enjoy it alot and mabey one of you is curius about it and i can drag you into the cosplay world as well ^_^ 

so i will answer some quistions that i made up myself to talk a bit more about cosplay and why i do it and mabey some of you have quistions as well. (don't be shy and ask them i love talking about cosplaying and why i do it ^_^) so here are some quistions about it: 


-When did you start cosplaying and how did you get into it?
answer: i started cosplaying begin of 2017/ end 2016. me and a friend both love anime and we found for the first time in a long time a person who loves it to. thats how we got to know each other. we both where watching Yuri On Ice and we loved all of it. 

eventually i said: Hey wouldn't it be fun to ice skate into those outfits? and she agreed and thats how we bought the whole costume. we both loved Yuri and Victor and had out favorite and it was great. She played Victor and i played Yuri and we where both happy. eventually we started to buy wigs and went to a con in it and that is how the thing started. 

-Why do you Love cosplaying so much?
hmm.. i think that i love it so much because i am not the standard person anyway. i always stood out of the croud and was bullied for it badly. as well as i am not the typical 'girl' you see walking around. i stepped into a guy outfit and played a guy and i fell in love. 

I never felt like a girl to be honest and i loved the feeling cosplaying gave me. i felt like myself, and i could be myself. and of course i met awesome people as who cosplay as well. the community all around you that you feel is just awesome and everyone can be themself and that is one of the things i love about it ^_^

-Why did Yuri On Ice become your first cosplay?
To be honest i don't know. it was a couple outfit that i could do with a friend and it was not to difficult to play as well. to figure out the right wig was a bit difficult to find because we had limited amount that where not awesome quality but we did it anyway :p and it is alot of fun to do.

-How was your first confention?
the Con was awesome. i went with my friend (who was the second day a bit grumpy) but i loved it. there where so maney awesome cosplayers, and so maney nice people. we went to a Yuri On Ice photo shoot (where i still haven't found the photo's of what is pretty frustrating) but i loved meeting new people. i wish i could go to america to visit an ever bigger Con ^_^

-Do you regret any decisions on the Con?
i kinda did. the grumpyness of my friend brought my mood down a bit and that wasn't to nice but i enjoyed myself. also i want to interact alot more than last time and talk with alot of people i find cool. the most fun part was talking other Yuri On Ice cosplayers and how goofy and nice they where and i want to do that again and mabey make some new friends on the way as well. as well i want to speak to the artists more and see if i can learn there something as well as take alot of more pictures with all the amezing cosplayers. 

-Have you done a photoshoot?
I have had a little one with my friend when we first put on our costumes. we just went outside (luckly it was sunny) and we just made pictures of each other when we found a beautiful spot and we made some really beautiful photo's as well so i am really happy about that. 

-How did people react around you?
when we first went outside and we got some really confussed stares and looks when we where walking around. my dad supports this and loves that i am busy with something creative, and i found some friends who secretly loved cosplaying as well and some find it just like dress up (what it is not but anyway) we got an awesome responds from two girls in a car though, they where aplauding us and stick up there thumbs to let us see we looked great or that they found it awesome. every time we saw a reacting we would laugh and talk about it and it was awesome to feel that way. 

-How did friends react?
Some friends reacted pretty cool and even wanted to go with us (and they did) and some friends just thought it was dress up and didn't understand it and still don't. they don't say much about it but they don't do it and find it a bit weird but i also got alot of my friends to cosplay or drag them into cosplay. 

-Who did you drag into the cosplay world?
my first cosplay partner i kinda did :p i have seen people doing it for a long time and wanted to do it as well and this was my first step. as well as this week i got one of my friends who wants to cosplay for a long time into it. i am playing jack frost for my next cosplay or i want to play him and i told her about my friend not wanting to be elsa as a joke. i make that joke to irrittate her a bit but my other friend got excited and now got a reason to cosplay as well (of course i asked her if she really wanted to do it and she agreed so we are figuring things out) 

-Have or are you making props for cosplaying?
right now i am busy with the staff of jack frost and that is the first prop i ever made for cosplaying. it is pretty logical because i only do it for a year now but i want to. i love being creative and making things so cosplaying and making my own props is an awesome outlit for me and helps me to inprove as well. 

-Are you planning to enter any competitons?
Yes, deventually. of course i want a better cosplay character where i feel 100% in and one i love alot but i have to have a couple more cosplayes for that before i will do that. but when i have the option to enter one i will and mabey who knows i will meet some awesome people on stage and get people to love the act ^_^ 

-What are te cosplayes you want to do in the future?
Of course as all of you know now i want to play Jack Frost from the movie: Rise of the Guardians.
Ciel Phantomhive from the anime: Black buttler/Kurishitsuji
Hinata from the anime: Haikyu. 
Juuzou Suzuya/Rei from the anime: Tokyo Ghoul 
and i am not sure after those characters what characters i want to cosplay, but i will probebly know in a year or so because i have seen alot more animes and movies than of course ^_^

-Why do you only play male characters?
This probebly sounds weird but i feel alot more at home in a male character. i am not a feminine type and love the things characters do in movies and animes. i relate alot more to those characters than female characters. of course i wouldn't mind trying once but i love cosplaying a male alot more. It's just a prefference for me ^_^ 

-Do you have a social media for this? 
sadly i have not but i am planning to make an Instargram for cosplaying soon. i really want to save and show people my photo's and inspire them to try it as well. and of course i want to show my friends what i am doing with cosplaying those years. it is also a great platform to show off the cons i have been to (now just one but later on that will be alot more) it's just about sharing and seeing the progress :p 

-What would you say to people who just start cosplaying?
I would say to them just be yourself. some people find cosplaying weird and childisch but it makes alot of people super happy as well it makes an awesome community that loves everyone. you can just be yourself and it doesn't matter if it is bad or not or that you have put a thousand dollars/euro's or just one dollar/euro/. it matters what you think about it and if you enjoy yourself. it's all about having fun and eventually you will find awesome people and mabey form a group that you will have the rest of your life so don't be scared to start. when the journey starts it only gets better ^_^

Anyway that where all the quistions i think where the most inportant if you have any don't be shy and please ask ^_^ i am open to anything. here are some cosplay music video's who show you a bit of that world ^_^ i hope you enjoy it <3 







Great post Nyana! :D
Good questions, I can't think of one to ask you, right now at least ^^

Me, I started with my Fallout costume after coming to the conclusion that instead of copying a Fallout character the best I could, Winthrop from Fallout 3, I could make my own, so I did :3 working on the costume all of September 2015, I barely got it ready in time for the New York Comic Con.

I found some old metal pipes, had a buddy use some power tools to carve them up for me... he didn't and still don't see the point :P ...I explained to him costume and prop making is extremely fun, but he still doesn't see the "need" :/ (hmm... maybe he would do something from World of Warcraft)

I got similar reactions from "civilians" when I walked in my Fallout costume through Brooklyn.
Had to reassure them that I was going to the Comic Con :P

It's amazing to hear you have another cosplay partner now! :D
Jack Frost and Elsa match well, I think, both in physically and mentally... ship? :)

The most important thing about this is, like you said, to have fun! ^^
I hope you will share some pictures of Frost's staff :)