Hey guys,
so this poem i wrote a little while ago. if you read it you probebly might think there is something wrong but don't worry there is not. this was just a way to express myself and to just write some stuff of like for an instant a past i had or something that happend. this poem i think can relate to everyone because it's about all kind of scars but still that there is a story to them that isn't all that bad and helps you grow and the meaning you can think of (don't worry, if you want to share your thoughts do it i would love to hear about them) anyway i hope you enjoy the poem ^_^
you know when i lift my sleeves you will see nothing.
it's like nothing happend at all.
but beneath the flesh there are scars deeper than you can see.
they are invisible scars of memories from the past.
you know when i lift the pipes of my pants you can see scars.
you can see little round scars and straight lines.
you can see white and red spots, the ones that never had the chance too heal.
you know when you see my fingers you see ripped of skin and wounds.
they are small but they are there.
the scars are from pealing of skin because someone doesn't know what to do.
the scars are from someone who is nervous and isn't comfortable then.
you know when you see my face there is a little wound somewhere.
there is always a tiny little wound.
i don't hide it like the other scars.
it's the only one to be seen.
you know when you see my back it is covered in scars.
people somethimes ask me how i get them and i say nothing and go on.
nobody knows why they are there and nobody will know except for me.
you know why? because scars are like little stories.
each one tells a story but it's a sad story it has to tell.
people don't want scars because it would make them ugly.
i was scared for scares for a long time
but when you count them they all have a story.
they can't hide it. they want to tell it.
but are you ready to tell them there story?
I hope you all enjoyed that and got your own opinion about it. again don't be shy i would love to hear what you thought about it ^_^ anyway here is some music i choose for all of you to enjoy:
This is very good. It's sad of course, but it gets the message across clearly. Keep up the good work!
thank you so much that means alot ^_^ and yah it's sad but i guess when writing this i wanted to show that scars are things you can see but also things you can't but it always has a story that makes you stronger as well as if your ready to tell and except the story it holds (sorry i talk alot :p )
and thank you i am glad you like it and i will deventually keep up the work ^_^