welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

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somewhere in space <3

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A story in between ^_^

Posted by NyanaCreation - November 10th, 2017

Hey Guys, 

So in one of the next weeks i am going to comic con for the first time. as well as i am going for the first time to a convention where i cosplay with my friend (and kinda crush) i made a suprise for her with little key chanes i made in the color of the persons we are cosplaying. the fun part is that those are a couple as well. probebly nobody has an idea what i am talking about or atleast what cosplay i am going to do ^_^ so here is it: 
we are playing as Victor and Yuri from Yuri on ice. i am playing as Yuri (because i am the smallest one and i like him alot) and she is Victor. it is her favorite character and she is the tallest of the two of us so we got both our favorite character. i hope we can see alot of more Yuri on Ice cosplayers on that weekend. i hope as well that i will see alot of awesome cosplayers i am super excited to go because i have been waiting for this to happpen for years. and the most awesome part is that i am going to see a really good friend of mine and that makes it even better so that is awesome. i will update you all when everything happened and mabey share some pictures of the con itself. i am super excited to share the stories i have than ^_^

anyway for now i am going to write a little story. New Friends next part is almost finished but not done yet it will hopefully be done in the next week. anyway enjoy the story ^_^

The Story: 

And again i am awake because i can't sleep. the thoughts of her go through my mind. the things she always does are so freaking cute. i know she is gay and doesn't like boys at all but will she like me? i am her best friend but what if she doesn't like me at all. i know i just grow some balls and say it to her but you know it's harder than you think. i am not the type of person that likes one thign and i deventually am not the typical person someone expects me to be. i am the oppisent of most things so it could be kinda weird if we where toghter.

today she forgot her books at home and because she most of the time sits next to me we had to share my book. it was nice seeing her smile when i offered my book to share. if i didn't the proffecor probebly put her next to a guy and she doesn't want that because the only guy that was sitting on his own was kinda a douchbag. he always does things that or annoy the shit out of the teacher or he tries to get other people mad so he usually pretty onnying and i wouldn't want anything to do with him to be honest. he also has a little group of friends that are trouble makers and i know she doesn't like that at all and tries to stay away from them as much as possible.  

anyway after that lesson we had lunch again. of course we where standing at a table the two off us and usually our little group of two guys that are in the same class as us and my friends usually come hang out around the table as well. it is suprising how from zero friends in the beginning of the year i went to so many friends. i didn't expect that but it is nice. but i only have this year with everyone and than i have to go to the next school and have to make new friends again so that sucks alot. i hope i'll see a couple of them still around that would be really nice.

i made a suprise for her it are 2 bracelets and earlier this year i made a little book that was called: the power of words i think atleast it was called that. she really like that. mabey i could ask her out and give her the bracelet when we do. but who knows it are just fantasys although they are pretty nice onces. 

I put on my ear buds and seach from some relaxing music. i deside to put on the piano covers from the anime Your Lie in April. they have some really awesome and relaxing piano music, after a couple minutes i close my eyes and lissening to the music i slowly fall asleep. 





(remember if you want to give me an idea of what to draw you can tell me on my forum and i will do my best to draw somethimg awesome ^_^  https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1426954#bbspost26110469_post_text )


when ever i hear the name Your Lie in April it makes me sad

The end is Sad but the story is full of love and caring people.

I'm sure you will all have fun in the con! I've been to the same in New York 3 years in a row, and it has been a truly *magical* experience every time! :)

The story you wrote is nice, recognize parts of it from your own life ;)
I can definitely relate to it. It is *really* hard to tell someone what you feel... your voice shakes out of fear of rejection and from the vulnerability that comes from opening your heart like you have to when you tell the one your heart has chosen what you feel about them. Your face will turn warm, and you will probably blush. Your hands will shake from adrenaline... it's scary, I know, but it *is* survivable, even if the other person doesn't feel the same feelings you do for them, or feel them less intensely.

i hope it will be as magical as it has been for you.

haha yah some parts are from my own life but that makes it more personal ^_^
and yah having a crush isn't the worst only the telling someone how you feel that is the problem for the biggest part. but for everyone it's different ;)

:D gud skit

Thank You! ^_^

Have fun at the con! :D

Thank you so much i hope i will have alot of fun ^^
(i'm super excited)

Omg, Your lie in april, I was able to get the ost and i love it so much!! Like you said, it's super relaxing :D
This short story is lovely and the bracelet is a wonderful thought :)

How was the comic con! It must been an amazing experience!! :D

yah the piano is really relaxing i somethimes lissen to it when i am going to sleep^_^
and thanks i am glad you like the story :D

haha haven't gone yet but i will soon (really soon) i will tell all about my first time going
i am super excited ^_^