welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

Exp Points:
2,383 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.72 votes
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Oh my...
I think you'll "leave one's bed" soon

i'm not sure what that means but i think it means i think you'll get better soon?
if i'm correct of course. anyway thanks?

Hope you get to feeling better. Being sick is no fun at all. It just puts a damper on everything.

yup it deventually does, i wanted to start inktober as well but that is a bit hard but i'm going to try my best to do the things i need to do but thanks for worrying i appreaciate it alot ^_^

Awww, that so sweet. Thanks for mentioning me X3

Also, sorry to hear you're feeling not so well as of right now. Hope you feel better soon ;w;

Thank you i hope i get better sooner than later but i'm managing thanks for worrying ^_^
and no need to thank me for mentioning you ;) everyone deserves to hear that.

I know it will take more than a little sickness to stop you ;)
But I do hope you recover quickly, of course :P

(aahaha! Now you have 34 fans! O_O By just being you :D )

You're very kind to mention me in the heap of those names.
I will repay the kindness in my next news post. Which will probably be from New York ;)

Oh and I really hope you participate in Inktober!
Would be interesting to see what you can make.
Best of luck to you if you do!

haha yah very true i'll try my best to do the things i want to do and have to do but thanks i hope i'll get better as soon as possible as well.

(and yes i can't believe it O_O i'm so happy :D )

and no need to thank me for that you deserve like everyone of them to be mentiond and see how much it means to me and thank them (and you of course) and have fun in New york ^_^

i hope i can also participate to inktober i just need to find the time because i'm busy but i will deventually try and want to test and practise my skills especially with black pens because that is my best skill i have. ^_^ but thanks.

I hope u get better :DD

Thank you ^_^

Aww I'm sorry to hear! I really hope you get better! Btw you make awesome art! You deserve all the fans!

no worries i can manage right now i'm already feeling a bit better but not fully recoverd yet.

andd aahww thank you so much ^_^ i really do my best with making art but you saying that warms my heart so thank you so much.

Yaay i feel super happy when you mention me :)
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling weel :(, I hope things are getting better these days, I'll send you all my good vibes so you can heal faster :D

Congrats on your fans! I'm sure they'll keep growing and growing, anyone who check out you art will love it :D

no problem you are worth being mentioned ^_^
and it's okay i'm am getting better and feel alot better than before. so your good vibes work :p thank you for that ;)

aaahww thank you so much ^_^ i hope so and i hope people will like the things i make in the future and i will do my best to make people happy so i hope that helps as well ^_^

Well i personaly like being sick becouse i dont have to go to school, of course if its just a cold .
Get well soon !

yah if you can walk and do your things here you can just go to school so it's a bit hard to do that and i can do my things just a bit slower :p but thanks i'm getting better ^_^

You'll be A-Okay man/bro, but you have to stay Strong, and I am Lucky I'm following you for your Amazing Content in the Nearest Future

i'm staying strong don't worry ;) and that is sweet that makes me really happy to hear that from you ^_^