I love your style of writing, the way that you develop the story, gives a warm feeling while reading it, even if it has sad moments at times, the overall feeling is very pleasnt :)
It's easy to imagine the whole scenario of the story, and the story itself, the content, is super beautiful too, thanks for sharing this :D
Great story!
-Promising background with the different race-clans, and how they interact with each other!
-Interesting universe that has inspiration from several different ones, like LOTR,
Harry Potter, The Elder Scrolls (Actually that song in the end is from The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim!)
-Vivid descriptions of the surrounding nature and sky!
Just a question: When your character ran out of the trees, she was still in fox-form, right?
If that is the case, will the unknown man hunt her for food, or offer her food and comfort?
We will see! :D
Thank you (but i don't know about LOTR) but yah it hase some stuff from everything although i didn't think about that while writing it.
and for the quistion: yah when she walked out of the bushes she was still in fox-form. and i ended it there to create an mysterious ending so you will think about how it could continue, but when i'm going to write the next part you will see what will happen. ^_^