welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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Read until the end. You have a lot to say, I hope I will also get a chance to know you better. Just like that. Btw, I got in way too many fight.

thanks for reading until the end. it is quite alot :p i have a bit to much to say sometimes especially with writing. and i hope i will get to know you better in the future as well ^^ (and i hope you got out of the fights in one peace then. i am lucky i can keep my anger inside what isn't always good but also i am lucky that i don't mess with people i don't like so that makes it easier ^^ )

@Natcl23 @NyanaCreation Well, I actually broke my nose one time, and since then my breathing is a bit messep up, but over all I’m fine, and I wasn’t always fighting the same freakin guy, i don’t know what was up between us, but it always ended up like that lol

i hope the breathing isn't in the way atleast and for the person sometimes you just have people you don't like. nothing you can do about it. it just happends even with me ;) i hope it is alot less now atleast.

Woah, a lot to react on here :P
Given that it's late and I have to work tomorrow, I'll keep it short now, and expand my reply later if I feel I need it ;)

Hooray for you dancing more! ^^ It's a great way to entertain oneself and have fun, and improve useful things like rhythm and eye/hand/leg coordination :D

[Excited, happy yelling] YEEAAH! The school accepted you!! I'm so freaking happy about that!!! Congratulations!! I think you will have it very fun and interesting there! I believe you when you say the feeling you're feeling is awesome ^_^

Ah, these questions and answers remind me of a post you did earlier, a few months ago, I think. But it's smart to give us a "revised" version now that a lot more will read it, since you have a lot more fans than when you did something similar to this. (ALMOST 90 FAAANS NOW! WOHOO!) When you ask yourself all of these questions, I ask them to myself as well, they get me to think. I might do something similar here like you did, for self-exploration, I suppose.

I think you can be really proud of... your heart, your values and morals ^_^

I'm honored that you would first visit *me* of all the people you know *blush*
I don't know why you would choose me xD, but I accept your visit ;P
I would actually love to travel to Japan too, start north and go south, or the reverse :3
Japan is an interesting country when it comes to history and culture, and I hope I get to see it myself one day.

Aah, I recently started playing The Witcher 3 myself, and I love it ^^
I haven't entered the Inn in White Orchard, I'm instead going around doing various quests and helping people :)

I agree with you on admiring your dad the most, and I can see why. I think you know who I admire the most, but I'm going to say it anyway for everyone else to see: my mom. She has also been through hell with me after I lost dad and she her husband.

About what you are afraid of, I definitely understand you here. I would be broken if I suddenly lost all contact with O, Dani, and you (and my 3 other close friends).

I, personally, think your strongest personal quality is your wish to help others (and still standing after all you've been through). For me, personally, I sometimes felt so... low, that it seemed impossible to improve or help oneself... so by helping someone else, I caused a bit of happiness in/for them, and that really helped me and my mood. I am rarely that low anymore, though.

Wow, that's a lot of loyalty for your friend ^^ was your arm bleeding from the little-bro's nails?

Heh. I actually took the same test myself, about 2 and 1 years ago. The first time, I got INTJ (Arcitect) the second time, I got INTP (Logician), I think, unless it was the same as you, INFJ.

And that is an awesome mindset to have.
In other words: "assume people have been through sh!t" ;P

I'm very happy your ASMR turned out so well, I'm glad on both of your behalves ^^
And thanks for mentioning me even though I couldn't do the voice-work myself.
I'll see if I can't fix that ;3

(I'll listen to those songs later today, or tomorrow :) )

Omg, congrats on your new school!!! it's great that you'll study to be a game artist!! can't wait to see the first project you make there!! :D, and maybe here in newgrounds we'll be one of the first people to find a game from you :D
loved the questions, and it's awesome how you protected your friend, I think that your friend appreciates it a lot :), love your philosophy too! I think you have a beautiful world inside yourself,
the same with your heart, so thanks for sharing your stories with us, and your art, both are inspiring for everyone :D

thank you so much ^^ i was happy when i got aproved because it means alot to me and who knows mabey in the future i will see. for right now i want to improve my skills and become really good with making art on online programs because i am not really getting the result with alchohol markers just because i don't have colors that are close to each other but who will know ^^
anyway no need to thank me for sharing the stories and other creations if i can make people happy i am happy. (and that friend betrayed me so i am not so sure if it was so awesome. i just got shit about it like it was my fault so yah) anyway thanks for the wonderfull compliments they mean alot coming from you ^^