welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

Beginner Game Artist

somewhere in space <3

Joined on 10/7/15

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When I saw your first paragraph, my breath became rapid and shaky, and my hands began to shake. That's how much I care about you.

You told me, privately, about that event with the guy with the girlfriend. We talked about it for a bit, then you moved on, and didn't want to talk about it later. I could tell you were struggling. You are usually very thorough when it comes to questions, answering each one I come with, casual or deep.

But from the communication we have had (and also from the lack of it,) I could already tell you had a rough time, and still do right now. You didn't come to me for help first, you came to each of your 75 (^_^) fans for help. All of Newgrounds actually, each member can see this post, and each will have something to say to help you.

Before I will try and say something, I must say first that I'm both proud of you and scared of your situation at the same time, Nyana. Proud that you became brave (I hope it was not desperate instead) and posted this here on NG, and thus reach for help. But I'm scared that you would reach out to all of us, your fans, not just PM me and/or your other close friends on NG.

Now I will try and say some words of help and comfort. And truth.

First of all, that guy was inconsiderate and rude to not follow up on his word about something so important as chatting with and even calling you (I will review your latest poem btw, when I have a clear head, Fallout 76 ;) ). He didn't care as much about you as you cared about him. You wrote him poems: 2 super-nice birthday-poem and even a surprise poem! Then he barely shows up. You probably asked why, and I guess he lied or had some lame excuse. Later he stops the call without any warning, as if, in my mind, he was interrupted or someone (maybe his GF) surprised him. Then those 2 had a phone call, I think.

To treat you like he did, he has to be a special kind of [curse-word].
It is simply unacceptable to treat someone like he treated you.
He should have told you as soon as he could, to get it out of the way. I wonder why he didn't.

But: YOU are NOT the bad guy in this! HE IS! Without a shadow of any doubt!
You don't have to be ashamed of yourself for having done anything wrong - you didn't!
HE DID do something wrong. His intentions might have been... okay, but his actions... so [curse-word] wrong.

The way I see it, with my strange mind, one way you can get a little over this, is by realizing ONLY HE is the one to blame here! And remember what he said when and after you got to know each other so that you do not fall in the same "trap" again.

(for the next paragraph, replace the word "happy" with "OK" if that helps)
Just because this happened, does NOT mean you can't talk to someone ever again. It does not mean you can't be happy. It does not mean you don't have the right to be happy, because you do!

You can be embarrassed and ashamed about this event. Most people make similar mistakes. I was recently (in May) betrayed and abandoned by someone I thought I had and would have a great relationship with. I felt, and still feel, horrible from that. Ashamed, angry. At her and myself. I can tell you more about this if you want.

This "letter" you wrote may be worthless to you. But not to me. Not to us: your fans!
We, most of us, care about your life, not just your art! So you are not a burden in telling us what you have. This message from you is a call to us who want to help you, and I swear: we will come to your help as soon as we can!

*great, big, warm, comforting super-mega-hug*
(sorry for any typos)


thanks for the hugs <3

@Quisty @NyanaCreation Sometimes it's the simple things that help... not a novel like I wrote to Nyana :/ (plushiehug)

@JamesHatfeld @NyanaCreation support is support even long or short

As @JamesHatfeld said, you should never feel ashamed of your problems, especially if they're not your fault. Just like this one isn't your fault. What this guy did wasn't very nice and you can talk and reach out to whomever you want. Hope this helped a bit.

Hi Nyana, sweetie, we're all here to support you in any way we can, I sent you a pm (sorry that it's a long one :) ), please check it out

@JamesHatfeld Man,when you wrote that part about the guy,it hit me right in the gut.In fact,I did something like this in real life and have been regretting it since.
Promises may seem like only words we use to get ourselves out of situations or make yourself feel good but what about the other person?And when we fail to do so,personally we won't be affected much but sadly we don't or can't tell if it's the same for the other party.
When I saw Nyana's post,it gave me an idea of how the other person may have felt in my case and Mr Hatfield's words made me feel like THAT 'kind of special [curse word]'.And Nyana,my Friend,you should never be ashamed to talk about your problems,you don't have to face them alone in fact anyone of us would be happy to listen and even help the best we can!Cheer up because there will be happier times ahead and we'll be always behind you all the way,

@MchectorII It's good that you are regretting the similar event you were a part of, it shows your conscience is in the right place. True, "(I) promise" is a powerful word, with specific effects such as reinforcing trust og friendship when the promises are made. Because of this it can be both easy and tempting to use that word too much, saying it without proper commitment. And when these false promises are made, the person who is promised something expects the other person to deliver, that they are true to their word. At least now you got to see it from "the other side", and I hope Nyana's words will deter you from making false promises again ;)

Some promises can be difficult to keep. Other are very easy to break. Last year, I myself made a promise to Nyana that I would not use my cell phone while on my bicycle. Before that came up during small-talk, I used it often to text my dearest while on the move. Mind you, Though I never had an accident, or were never close to one, I knew I took a calculated risk doing so, even though the bicycle road is straight as a ruler and devoid of any pedestrians. The main road is also at least 5 meters (around 18') from the bike road, with a small ditch in between. Anyway, once Nyana found out, she made me promise to never look on my phone again while biking. A promise I have held to this day, and have no intention of breaking.

@JamesHatfeld True,promises are matters of trust that shouldn't be taken lightly and if we should fail to do so,the least one can do is to apologise and offer an alternative solution to make up for it(Taken from an online article which I somehow remembered) or as you said,for those that can be difficult,I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to the other person about it first.And thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Hey, you really should NEVER punish yourself for the fault of somebody else. This guy just 'couldn't be bothered' to end the conversation with a simple goodbye. But this really is not your fault. You just 'tumbled' on a person who you thought who could be a great friend. Sometimes those people become friends, and sometimes they won't. And it wasn't on you in this story that the 'friendship' drove appart. ANYWAY I am horrible with words and I'm really bad at writing a lot or words but these were my thoughts. I know I just met you, and I might not be the best of the bestest of friends like James here in the comments (@JamesHatfeld) but I always care about everyone, and of course also about you.

Try to focus on the positive ;)

How's everything?I hope you are feeling better now.

i'm feeling a bit better thank for the support <3

@MchectorII @NyanaCreation That's good to hear!Don't worry too much about anything and if you need to talk or want someone to listen to,just feel free to ask.

P.S:Did you try out the tutorials I sent you?