welcome to my little corner of the internet,my name is Nyan or Nyana and i am a non-binary bean who mostly makes
art, stories and audio. my goal is to make your day a bit brighter with the content that i make. i hope we can have some good times toghter.

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somewhere in space <3

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New Friends <3 (part 1)

Posted by NyanaCreation - July 7th, 2017

Hey Guy's,

today i wanted to write a special story about friendship that warms all your hearts and brings hope to the people who have given up on friendship like i once did. i hope this will make you guy's happy ^_^

The story:

There we go again. it's my alarm that is yelling trough my room that i need to get up. i always take a while to get up and i hate when the alarm goes of but who doesn't right? for me it take a half hour to get out of my bed and get dressed, and indeed after a half hour of naping i get out. my alarm has gone of around 13 times right now like every day, and of course my sister is cranky because she hates when i take so long to shut the thing up. 

Today i start a first day for my new summer vacation this year. this year has been rough and i have been trough alot of chances. not just working hard but also dicovering myself. this year i discoverd the term Transgender, of course i heard of it but never really searched for the term. i was shocked how much i related to it and i felt the same way like the explaination said. i felt like a boy in a girls body, so this year i wanted to go full up and try to dress more like a guy and feel more comfortable than as one of the skinny make-up girls who always walked around my school. i wanted to be me, but i didn't want to do sercheary the idea doesn't sound good to me so i just look the same but wear stuff i feel okay in and do the things i wanted intsead of what others wanted. 

The annoying part is telling people. some friends said i was just a tomboy and didn't believe when i said i was transgender. i tried to explain what i felt but they couldn't understand it at all, so i desided to ignore them for a while. a real friend would believe you, atleast i think so, atleast with such things. and some friends where awesome and supported me full on. i wanted to hug them so badly when they believed me. of course i still looked like a girl but they understood me completly and i promised them to have a fun day out and than one of my friends grabbed one of there wigs and shoved it into my hands.

'here you can have this' she said with a big smile on her face. i looked at the wig and asked why she gave it to me. she said to me: when we where little it was a to big for you but you loved walking around with that thing and always tried to be more manly so now you know you are transgender i want to give you a chance to explore everything and be a guy whenever you want to be one' i was so suprised and gave her the biggest hug i could give. she was one of my best friends  i had and she always understood me so well. so now i could even go out looking like a boy and that felt awesome and another friend made it even better. 

She grabbed me and pulled me to the side, she looked at me with a big smile. of course i didn't trust her because she was pretty good with mischief and always tried to somthing that could cause her trouble but she was an awesome friend to have around. she said: i don't know if you want to tell the others but i'm going out with some guys to go shopping for games i wondered if you wanted to come with us, you could wear the wig if you want or not it's your choice but i know you want to belong in such a group so i want to invite you, mabey we could take Lilyan with us if you want?' i look her with the biggest smile i ever had and huged her. ''of course i want to go with you, and yah we should invite Lilyan to go with us than i atleast have a save space'' we both agreed we should take her with us so we asked her when everyone was out of the room and she was happy to come with us as well. 

And today is the day that me and my friends are  going to be with that group to test it and go out. i of course was nerves but now is no need to worry about it. i am just awake and i already have a grumpy sister walking around the house. it's always funny to see her like that in the morning especially even if she is already a grumpy cat in the morning seeing her annoyed at me is always funny to hear. she is like a flute ketle, if she gets frustrated she doesn't say anything she just makes a high peached voice and grouwls at me and than walks away angry. her cheeks always are bigger and red it looks a bit like a chimpmunk wtih nuts in his mouth, and her walk is cute to see. like a toddler walking away angry it's somthing you can't take serious and i laugh at. 

But for now she is okay although i would love to make her frustrated right now i have breakfast on my mind. My mom always wakes up early to make somthing special and nothing is better than your mom's cooking and smelling it trough the whole house. of course she had some disasters like the patato cake she tried to make with just thinking, she blew up the oven and the house smelled for an month like burned patatoes. it was funny when she walked with a black dust on her clothes and face at me and said: ''i might have blown up th oven'' i loved the face she made. i helped her clean up the mess but i still can't discover how she managed to do that. but this morning luckly doesn't smell like burned patatoes but blackberry pancakes. it's her speciallty. she makes regular pancakes and puts blackberry's in them and somthimes she tries out other fruites so it's always a suprise what she made in the morning. 

This time the whole house was filled up with the smell and i was already drewling when i stepped out my room. of course when i was done my sister was as well. so we walked downstairs toghter, while she was trying to tickle me on the stairs i tried to run while that wasn't to smart because i triped and roled down the stairs. i landed good and nothing was hurting but the only thing i could do is laugh. of course my sister was shocked when i fel down but when she saw the big smile on my face she laughed as well. she helped me up and we both walked to the kitchen. there was my mom still busy with making tons of pancakes for in the afternoon. ''goodmorning Sam and Wendy, did you two sleep well?'' i didn't even hear what she said and grabbed a plate of pancakes, they where still warm and that is how i love them. of course my sister hit me on the shoulder and gave me a look that i should answer. of course i needed to do that, but i wanted my pancakes. ''i slept okay, thanks mom'' my sister smiled at me and reacted finally as well ''i did as well although i had a weird dream'' my mom turned around and looked weird at my sister, '' can i know what it was about sweety?'' my sister looked at me weird and answered ''uhm.. yah sure'' i saw my sister wiggle on her chair and look at her legs. it was kind of weird to see her so nervous. the only thing that she could make her this nervous is when it's about someone else, and now i knew why she looked so weird at me before. 

'' so sweety are you going to tell your dream or do we have to wait until the sun goes down?'' she shaked her head and started to look only at our mom. ''so uhm.. yah this is kinda akward but i hope it doesn't make anyone mad.'' she looked at me and that started to tell further. ''so it stared like any normal dream i would have. i was at home and of course all of you where there. only Sam wasn't there.'' my mom looked at her weird and asked ''do you know why she wasn't there'' there it was again ''mom it's not she it's he or they'' my mom looked shocked at me and looked at the floor ''sorry honey i try to keep it in mind, but Wendy can you continue your story?'' my sister shaked he head and continued like my mom asked '' so we where all eating and having a great time with the family until Sam walked in.'' i started to get a bit frustrated ''what do you mean until i walked in?! what is that supposed to mean'' my sister looked shocked at me like she had done somthing terrible and she never should have told us.

she took a deep breath and continued her story ''so Sam walked in and tried to sit with us but then every family appeared, they laughed at me. the looked at me like i did a bad job of keeping Sam away from being a transgender. they pointed and laughed like i did somthing wrong and eventually had to rip of the clothes Sam was wearing'' i was shocked. my sisters dream litterly told her it wasn't okay for me to be transgender. ''YOU WHAT?! are you insane Wendy. do you think this is okay? you find it that terrible for me being this? or would you rather have me hide that i am transgender and say i'm just a tomboy? your insane'' i was so mad at her. what did she think. that i was a wrong part of the family. my mom was in shock as well and tried to grab my hand so i couldn't get away. 

I ran upstairs to my room. i need to find a plan to get out. finally i knew it, my window i trew my wig and purse into my bagpack and put it on. luckly i could lock my door and climb out of the window because it was close to the roof so i could climb down the roof into a tree in the back yard, and so i escaped my home and ran to Lilyan.

When i arrived at her house she was suprised to see me this early and a bit exhausted. ''did you run here? you look a bit exhausted'' i shacked my head. ''no i escaped from my window to get out of my house'' she looked at me in shock. ''why did you try to escape your home, it's your home right you shouldn't have to run from that right?'' ''yah that is true, it's my sister she dreamed over me and that it was bad i was a transgender and rather have a normal sister or that is how she told it, it just made me mad'' Lylian looked at me and i saw she understood me and gave me hug. ''hey she is probebly just confused give her some time and for you and me and Sara let's have some fun today okay, did you bring the wig with you?'' i smiled and nodded to let her know i did. ''than let's make of this an awesome day!'' she said with the biggest smile on her face. 



Wow, what a story!
You must have worked on this for a looong time, no?
Cool that you have combined facts from your life, and fiction from your imagination to create this!
I'm amazed at how lifelike the mother seems - warm and caring, and the smell of her pancakes spreading through the house, and up the stairs... mmm!

(but Sam ran away because her sister had a weird dream about her?
You sure Sam isn't overreacting a little? :P )

I really look forward to part 2 of this... and the next part of Nyana's and Aaron's adventure :D

Thank you so much ^_^
and yah it took around 45 minutes until an hour to finish.
and thank you i tried to make it as life like so you could think of how it could
have looked.

(yah Sam over reacts but that's because her sisters dreams always say somthing about her and that Sam thought that his sister turned against him. and of course that hurts)

i'm happy to hear that ^_^

yaaay, I loved reading every part! thanks for the heads up of your new post :D

I love the relation that all the family has, it's so close and they have fun with each other, so it's a beautiful relation :D, I love how the mom reacted with the face covered in ash XD

Also, the friends that Sam has, are amazing too, and Sam is sweet and a great person, I love that Sam enjoys giving and getting hugs, and playing with friends and family.

Ow, it was very sad when Sam fought with Wendy, but I'm sure things can get better since they have a great relationship :)

The wig is a beautiful idea, show a sweet bond between all of them, and at the same time gives a lot of space for the story to have lots of different situations.

My global view, this story is lovely, shows beautiful values, like friendship, acceptane, and family love, your writing is always so warm to read, gives that tender and kind feeling, and it feels lovely, and even though it has sad moments, it feels as if things can work out :)

Thank you i'm glad you liked it so much ^_^

yah they all have a great relationship toghter. (although the mom didn't have the ash on her face when they sisters where talking :p but it would be a funny moment if that happend to someone i knew)

Yah most of Sams friends are very open and love her for who she is although she has a couple friends who are really close minded so. also Sam is not super found of getting hugs because she never gets maney at home but from friends she doesn't mind because it reminds her they care for her.

yah Sam is pretty sensitive for the Transgender subject and she thought her sister left her and that hurted her alot. but i'm sure it will mabey be okay unless somthing else could happen ^_^

yah, i came on the idea of the wig because i have one myself. (short hair and black) i love it alot and i thought it would be a lovely thing for sam to have in the story and give a great bong between him and his friends.

I'm so happy that you like it. it feels like you support me and gives me hope that one day i could make my dream come true to be a writer. i'm glad that my writing can bring over emotions and still when sad emotions arrive there can be a bit hope. but thanks for taking the time to read it.